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American Pancakes with Rhubarb

This recipe adds a decadence to an already well-known classic; the addition of the white chocolate mousse adds a smoothness that helps cut through the tartness of the rhubarb.

Makes 6 Pancakes

Prep time: 20 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes


260g Plain flour

8g Baking powder

1g Salt

30g Sugar

250ml Milk

2 Eggs

10g Melted butter

500g Rhubarb

300ml Water

100g Sugar

1 Orange

1 Thumb of fresh ginger

200g Greek yoghurt

100ml Double Cream

30g Honey

50g White Chocolate

Handful of Pistachio


Begin by making the pancake batter dough so it can rest; if you can make it the day before, it will save you time, plus the pancakes will be lighter.

Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt together, then whisk in the milk and eggs till it forms a smooth batter, cover and allow to rest in the fridge.

Now cut the rhubarb into 1inch pieces and place it into a baking tray, cover with the water, sugar, zest and juice of the orange and grate the ginger over.

Place into the oven at 180. C for 15 minutes, then take out and allow to cool down; this can also be done the day before to save time.


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