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The i - Chemotherapy cooking course

Updated: Nov 26, 2018

A great article from Ellen Manning from The i newspaper on the great work from Life Kitchen

Life Kitchen holds cooking classes around the country to help people get the most out of the taste of their food. The concept has already gained support from Nigella Lawson and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, and when Duck & Waffle executive chef Tom Cenci heard what Riley (his former neighbour) was doing, he wanted to get involved. His own father was undergoing chemotherapy for prostate cancer.

For Cenci, raising awareness of something he didn’t know about until it touched his own life is important.

“I love my food and the majority of people do,” he says. “Food brings celebration and joy and to have that taken away is really hard.” 

And although he has hosted many cooking classes before, he admits this is special.

“It’s not just a cooking class. It’s a bit light-hearted, for people to have fun, have an evening out learning cooking techniques but also sharing experiences and ultimately having a night off from everything.” 

You can read the whole article at:


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